Brian McKnight Wants To Show You How Your Pussy Works

I was just sent this video from my buddy, Ryan. All I saw was “How Your Pussy Works” and FunnyOrDie so I was expecting humor. Plus, if you know my buddy, you know not to expect anything less than sure fire comedy. But this was beyond what I was expecting. Fuckin’ Brian McKnight singing “Let Me Show You How Your Pussy Works”? “I bet she doesn’t even know that she can squirt?!?!” Is this real life? Is this an actual song/music video? Or is this purely a joke? Jesus Christ, Brian, Is this what you’ve been doing since you sang “The Only One For Me” in 1997? That was my joint back in the day. Had so many of the hunnies digging me when I threw that track on at 10 years-old. Do you, Brian. Do you. But, I could really use some fire R&B tracks to get my hunny game back up so I’d appreciate some more “The Only One For Me” songs and a little less “Let Me Show You How Your Pussy Works.” I can just throw on some Love Rance “Beat The Pussy Up” for when the pussy game time comes.
